My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

The website is not online.

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

The website is offline.

The Branding of Jaguar Films

I also designed the branding for Jaguar Films

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

The website is offline.

The Logo

I also designed the logo of Ozer\Urger Architects.

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

The website is offline.

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

The website is offline.

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

The website is offline.

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

My previous personal website. I used this website with several updates between 2015-2019.

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011

The website is offline.

The website functioned as the diary of Mr Oymen’s journey to the North Pole in 2015.

I also designed the logo of the journey:

My Roles Creative Director UX/UI Designer
Client Workattack Agency
Date 2011
My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Prizma Space
Date 2014

The website is offline.

The logo and branding I designed for Prizma Gallery

The Graphics I’ve designed for Prizma Gallery