My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is not online.

The Branding of Makrofon

I also designed a logo and a typeface for the branding of Makrofon.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is made with Flash and is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is made with Flash and is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is made with Flash and is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is made with Flash and is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Griduo
Date 2008

The website is made with Flash and is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is made with Flash and is not online.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Makrofon
Date 2014

The website is not online.