My Roles Producer Creative Director Logo Designer Branding Designer Typeface Designer
Client Prizma
Date 2015

Prizma is an art gallery and its name means prism.

Customized Font for the Branding

The website I designed and developed for Prizma

The graphics I designed for the gallery

My Roles Logo Designer
Client Skandal Agency
Date 2015

The brief was “a letter s with a hidden letter p in it”.

My Roles Logo Designer
Client Skandal Agency
Date 2015

Day Studio is a design company.


The Website of Day Studio

I also designed and developed the website of Day Studio

My Roles Producer Creative Director Logo Designer Branding Designer Typeface Designer
Client Prizma
Date 2015

Owlet is a medical wear company.

Selected Logo and Branding


Alternative Logos

My Roles Producer Creative Director Logo Designer Branding Designer
Client Lindy Gifts
Date 2016

Lindy Gifts is an online service helps people sending gifts. The logo was expected to reflect positive emotions such as love, happiness, smoothness. The final logo is a custom written Lindy in heart shape.


My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Boho Hotel
Date 2016
My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Boho Hotel
Date 2016
My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Boho Hotel
Date 2016

The website is not online anymore.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Boho Hotel
Date 2016

The design has never been used.

My Roles Producer Creative Director Lead UX/UI Designer Lead Developer
Client Boho Hotel
Date 2016

The website has never been developed.